1/3/2016 0 Comments Living the Life you LoveWhy wouldn't you want to live an amazing life? It's your life. You HAVE a life! So why wouldn't you want it to be fantastic? It seems so simple but over time so many of your dreams and desires become subdued by harsh realities and foiled plans. All too often you take on a sobering attitude of "can't win 'em all," or "half a loaf is better than none." Before you know it life is full of compromises and general disappointments. It makes it hard to try. It makes it hard to dream. So I return to my original question, Why would you ever roll over and take it? Why would you ever accept anything less than happiness. This is a very different question than asking why wouldn't you want millions of dollars, a perfect marriage, perfect children and a dream job. I'm not asking you to fight the realities of life. I'm asking you why can't you find joy in your reality of life. Life is wrought with hardship and negativity. Despite the fact that everyone tends to believe that their life is harder than the next person's, everyone's life at some point is hard. The challenge is to find joy beyond the hardship. Sometimes having a perfect life isn't a matter of situation but of perspective. At the end of the day, can you honor who you are? Can you make decisions that truly represent you? Can you stand by those decisions? Life isn't about avoiding negativity, it's about experiencing negativity and overcoming it. It's about recognizing your fears, doubts, anxieties, resentments and guilts, but moving forward with your life anyway. Joy in life derives from loving who you are. This doesn't mean that you think you are perfect, but it means that you recognize all of your imperfections but still think of yourself as a rather stellar person. When you are able to achieve this state of being you are also able to do a few things... The first is that you are able to make clear decisions that allow your actions to truly reflect your Soul. This is to say that if you are a gentle soul, nurturing, kind, compassionate in nature whose role is best as a supportive person then you make decisions and live life in accordance with that. You don't try to follow in line with the other Souls that are big movers and shakers, or those who see things with a more critical and structured eye. All Souls are right, but try to be your own, don't allow yourself to be bullied into being someone else! The second state of being is that you are able to stand by the decisions you make and who you are, living empowered by your authenticity. So once you finally getting over the hump of feeling sheepish about acting exactly the way you want to act you then move on to the next step, do you feel proud of how you acted? Or will you roll over when the first person comes along and tells you that you're all wrong? Confident living creates joyful living. Confident living honors that although you know you are not doing things the same as others, you know you are doing things in a way that reflects the magnificently-unique individual that you are. You don't need to explain it, or justify it, if you feel it in your heart and Soul. Soul Readings are an incredible way to feel empowered by who you are. It can be hard to know whether you are making a decision that is best for you, or if you are doing it because that's what the world has convinced you is best for you. Soul Readings offer up incredible clarity of who you are, what you bring to this world and what you are seeking to experience. This clarity helps you to make more empowered decisions that honor you most, further you on your path of life, help you obtain you Big Picture of happiness, and ultimately help you to live a life of joy and abundance.
Chelsea M LathamWhen I was a kid my mom would occasionally refer to me as a Reverend, because I had the need to speak so passionately about just about everything. Little did she know that some day I would build a business upon sharing the wisdom that I am so passionate about. So here you go, here are some bits and bobs of thoughts strung together for your enjoyment. Archives
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