11/28/2017 0 Comments Finding HappinessThe present world is full of rules and boundaries, proofs and equations. These systems help to lump us all into categories of good and bad regardless of the intricacies of the situation and Souls involved. A + B = C is what you have been taught and in order to get to the top of the ladder you must climb every step that came before it. You have turned life into a school and each situation is a class, each year a grade- the standards are high and the grading in biased. You have been led to believe that once all of the boxes are checked, all the classes are passed, then you will get the carrot at the end of the stick. When you graduate this school of life you will finally get happiness, peace, love, power and everything else you have been working towards. But there is another side to your brains that knows full well that once the class gets completed, you are not given happiness, rather another class. If you are not careful the end of your life will come and you will be no closer to happiness than when you first began.
You are essentially climbing the happiness ladder every day. Happiness (love, peace, power, etc.) is not currency, it is a state. You cannot buy happiness, but you can choose to live in a state of happiness. Happiness, because it is a divine right, does not need to be bartered for, earned or deserved. The word deserve when broken down means to serve- therefor you deserve anything that serves your Soul's growth. Supporting Soul growth in my mind is the only justification you ever need to work towards anything. Here's the thing- what happens when you are full of happiness? Good stuff, right? You impact the world you live in so if you are full of happiness, you are going to share that happiness with those around you, inspiring them to obtain the same degree of happiness. If you walk around feeling as though you need to earn happiness and until you earn happiness you will reside in a state of unhappiness then you are going to fill the space around you with unhappiness. The universe (and your friends) want nothing more than for you to be full of happiness, so if it brings you happiness, please, do us all a favor and go after it. It's a chain reaction- most likely your dream job and your best relationships all bring you happiness. What serves you in turn serves the world. So when you seek what brings you happiness that most likely means that 1. you're doing something you're really good at thus you are sharing your gifts and 2. you are emitting all that happiness in the space around you for others to enjoy. When you get caught up in the concept that life needs to drag you around for a while before you earn the right to do what makes you happy, we all suffer. So please, stop thinking that there is something selfish about doing what is best for you! When instant gratification doesn't set in and you get caught up with a sense of lack it is easy to convince yourself that there is a reason why you don't have happiness right now. Until you are able to do exactly what brings you happiness it is good to remember something: happiness simply is there for the taking. The trick is realizing this, realizing that you do not have to earn it, you just have to take it. This means that if you want happiness, then be happy. Happiness is an internal condition, no an external one. When external conditions can happen to us (accidents, breakups, being fired), internal conditions are 100% of our own choosing. Regardless of our external condition, you get to control your internal condition, this is one of your greatest powers. Therefor, regardless of what is happening in your life, we are allowed to choose happiness. Happiness is ruby slippers... you had the power on your feet all along you just needed to know that it was there and you could use it.
11/20/2017 0 Comments Un-Limiting Your LifeI've been having some great conversations recently with people about life, goals, creating more of the good stuff and working out the bad stuff. I am realizing more and more how much the mind and ego manages to gain control over even the most spiritual of practices. Our lives are full of rules, laws and beliefs. These aren't necessarily bad things, they help make sense of life, but they can also be incredibly limiting. It is hard to wrap our minds around some spiritual concepts... that is because these things aren't a matter of the mind, but of Spirit and the Soul. The dimension that our Soul operates on is limitless, the mind however is full of boundaries, explanations, walls and rules. Why? Because the Soul has no boundaries or concepts of time, every moment is the perfect moment. Most of the time these two cannot coincide peacefully, because the ego tends to bully the Soul into the back seat with some rather aggression notions that if it cannot be explained then it cannot exist. As wonderful as these concepts are, it is much harder to fully grasp and integrate into daily life- likely because the realm of the mind tends to be safer. Rules and boundaries are safe, we know what is "good" and what is "bad".
In the realm of the Soul, growth isn't linear, it is always expansive into all directions. In the realm of the Soul, wrong isn't necessarily bad, up isn't necessarily down and life doesn't happen to us. It always comes back to the experience. You are here to experience life, this world, relationships. You are not here to perfect or pin down every little detail. Experience gives you wisdom and this wisdom is derived from being both wrong and right, good and bad. The mind has convinced you that your entire life is one giant high school and each relationship, job, opportunity is a class and you either pass it or fail it- and god help you if you fail it. When (and only when) you graduate this high school you will get happiness, peace, love, power, etc. Reality is though, that for the Soul it doesn't matter. You could do everything or nothing... that decision and that affect ends up with you and your Soul's growth. The less you do the less you experience the less you grow. Is that a bad thing? No. You aren't going to receive damnation or judgment for how much or little you achieved. But it is a negative thing because you are denying yourself the ability for expansion. Going nowhere is just as limiting as going in the wrong direction. If you make a decision now that does not fully honor your Soul, you aren't going to be punished for it but at the same time it isn't going to help you evolve on your path... this is negative karma: a decision, action or habit that does not align to your Soul's higher path. We have loads of negative karma, but we are still functioning human beings who are living well. We are incarnated to work through this negative karma. So when you avoid action or take action that isn't aligning well you aren't going to be punished, but at some point in the future there will be an opportunity to work it out. That's how great the Universe is, when you mess up It doesn't rub the mistake in your face, It just gives you another opportunity to right your wrongs and realign to your path. Righting your wrongs isn't an action done for others, but for yourself. The ego, however, does rub mistakes in your face, reminds you of how dumb you are and how much you messed up which ultimately paralyzes you from seeking out opportunities to re-work your karma. Our Soul's growth relies on the ability to move through these experiences (positive and negative) and learn more about ourselves within these experiences. We are not moving through these experiences to do them perfectly... we are moving through these experiences to do ourselves more perfectly. Besides- who judges that perfection? All that matters in your Soul's growth is YOU, you are going through these jobs, relationships, situations to learn more and more about who you are, who you are not and how you can behave in a way that honors all of this. You only mess up when you and your Soul's growth suffers. You have your Divine Blueprint- the qualities, characteristics and skillset of your Soul which largely dictates how you can best maneuver the curveballs that life throws at you. But then there is also free will and choice, which says that you can react however the heck you want to react, even if it isn't honoring your Blueprint. Will a reaction work if it isn't exactly what your Blueprint dictates? Maybe, but it won't be quite perfect. You know when you react perfectly, because it gives you the perfect result that you have always wanted. The goal is to connect with the blueprint so clearly that you can shine it into the world you live in. When you are living a life that honors your blueprint you shine- you are the best version of yourself, others grow in your presence because of your inspiration, you have lots of energy to share because you aren't depleted from activities/relationships that don't support your blueprint. You also have your Life Themes, which is a list of themes you are looking to explore as a way to further shine your Blueprint into this world. The key word is that these themes guide you, they don't make or break you. If a theme of yours is Love, you are not seeking to have love every where you go, you are seeking to explore and understand who you are in the context of love... this might mean loving relationships, or ones that lack love. This theme does not entail that you will have the theme in your life, but that you are working to understand how to shine in alignment with the theme. Your Blueprint and Themes are here to remind you that the "when", "how" and "why" details of life do not matter quite as much as you want them to, these questions help the mind and ego to build structure around the problems of life. Although these structures can be comforting, they can also take you away from what really matters and that is, "what can I do today that will best honor my Soul's blueprint and themes?" Find a balance between the mind and the Soul... Look to the Soul for your answers then look to the mind for the directions to make it happen. When you find yourself paralyzed with the Hows, Whys and Whens of life, step back and step in. ![]() Well, it's that time of year again. We are a mere two weeks away from Thanksgiving and the official beginning of the Holiday Season. This awareness may raise stress or joy, or a combination of the two. It is certainly a time of year to be mindful of. Things happen with speed and intensity, we can get overwhelmed before we even begin, or we can think we are doing fine until we slam face first into a wall of exhaustion. So much cooking, shopping, housewarming, space sharing, traveling and partying- combine this with cold, damp weather, heavier food and alcohol and we quickly have a recipe for total mental, emotional and physical overdrive. This is a time when plans, diets, healthy routines and good-intentions go flying out the window, but as soon as they do, the snowball affect begins. I can tell you all day that you need to take better care of yourself. You can tell yourself all day that you need to take better care of yourself. But if you are like me, you need to fully understand why before you commit to doing it. It all comes back to balance. (It always comes back to balance) The holidays are deeply rooted in connection, family and relationships. Some of us thrive on relationships, some of us thrive on alone time. Regardless of where you stand on the relationship scale, you need a bit of both to stay balanced. These relationships and connections entails sharing: energy, space, gifts, food, time. All of these things that you are sharing is sharing a small part of yourself within it, eventually these small parts that you are sharing add up to big parts and if you aren't replenishing then you are draining. What do you then fill this depleted void within with? Food, alcohol, possessions, illness, resentment and so much more of all the things that won't serve us. Imagine a pendulum swinging, a happy balanced life resides somewhere near the center, if you begin swinging to one end, you will swing to the other in an attempt to balance out. Excessive, unrequited giving results in excessive consumption. The healthiest relationships begin within. (Everything begins within) Many of you have lived your lives with the understanding that you must put other's well-being first, otherwise you are selfish. I believe that society in general has been brain-washed into believing that self care is an act for the entitled (it isn't). I also believe that many of you do know that when you take care of yourself, taking care of others is effortless, but you might be too nervous to try it for fear of letting those around you down. But this is your permission slip, signed with love, from the Universe: Love yourself, take care of yourself and make your plans with yourself at the center... because nobody else will. If you can't stick up for you, then what makes you think anyone else will? True sharing comes from excess- excess love, joy, money. The holidays are no different. If you intend to share, then you must have something that you can share, i.e. your cup must be full and brimming. If you want to share love, you must radiate it first. You should never have to give from your own cup, rather, have so much that it naturally comes out for those around you to enjoy. So the big question is: what specific gifts do you have to give? Balance is defined individually and internally- it is a carefully crafted recipe that is decided by your internal conditional combined with your external situation. The internal condition is the uniqueness of you and your Soul's blueprint. The external situation is your holiday schedule. We must have awareness over one in order to take control over the other. So what is your gift? Is it Peace? Organization? Awareness? Are you the one getting shit done? Or are you the one entertaining everyone while others are preparing? You all radiate different skills and gifts, so why are you trying to radiate love if love isn't your gift? It is when you try to radiate what you believe you should that you depletion comes into the horizon. The grass isn't greener on the other side and your gift is just as valid and useful as the gifts of everyone else around you. More importantly your gifts are your super powers, you have them in unlimited quantities, you can share your gifts for days and days without getting depleted because you are not giving them, you are radiating them. Nobody needs your energy, we all have the ability to obtain and sustain our own energy, but we do enjoy your gifts and your presence. So, what are your gifts? Think about it, look over your Soul Profile reading if you have had one, and if you haven't, maybes it's time you did. Your gifts are the skills that are innately yours. Your Soul Group defines the qualities and characteristics that are yours, your Energy Center defines the way that you share your characteristics and and gifts with us. Considering your gifts/skills and how you best share these gifts/skills should give you your basic blueprint for navigating the season. Sit down and be honest with yourself: how much time can you share with others? How much time do you need alone? Don't lose focus by idolizing those around you who are social butterflies, or have limitless energy, because that's not you and we love you for you. Be clear on who you are, what you have to offer, what you need so that you are able to give your best, and when your best starts to run dry you know it's time to step out and replenish. Finally, get clear on how you replenish, because you do it differently than the person next to you. Even if you do get really good at sharing the gifts you have, it is still important to balance out your time with some self care. I'm sorry, but this does take some planning and commitment, but again you are committing to yourself. How much time do you have? Ten minutes? Two hours? An entire evening? Whatever it is, commit yourself to it fully. Put everything else to the side and give yourself a little pep-rally. Remember, you are worth it. We have all been here before. Some years it runs smoothly, some years it's messy and some years you think you're doing fine until you slam face-first into the wall. Let's not do that this year. Let's give. Let's celebrate. Let's let the greatest versions of yourself shine forth for those around you to enjoy and admire. Let's make this year a little bit different by making decisions that are best for you, then sit back and watch how everything else falls into place. Cheers Friends! Chelsea P.S. if you want some assistance road-mapping your holiday season I've got a few options for you...
Chelsea M LathamWhen I was a kid my mom would occasionally refer to me as a Reverend, because I had the need to speak so passionately about just about everything. Little did she know that some day I would build a business upon sharing the wisdom that I am so passionate about. So here you go, here are some bits and bobs of thoughts strung together for your enjoyment. Archives
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