7/19/2017 0 Comments Relationships for the Soul![]() There is something so earthy and wonderful about relationships- the physical interactions and emotions add a special flare to our physical existence. They're everything we could ever dream of and everything we wish to avoid in life, often all rolled into one. They make us feel both loved and alone, powerful and weak, passionate and apathetic. They make us human. It's hard not to go through a relationship and not wonder, "why?". Why this person? Why now? Why is this happening? Based on my Higher Purpose Readings and Relationship Readings I have drawn some of my own conclusions. For starters, why did you get into a relationship with this one person? Well, there are lots of reasons. Our Souls have journeyed through existence for a very, very long time which includes many physical lifetimes. There is a good chance that if you are meeting an individual and you feel particularly connected, it is not the first time meeting them. There may be past lives of relationships, interactions, good karma and bad (or a combination of the two). Typically when there are multiple past lives together there are already some set patterns and habits within the relationship between the two Souls, this is karma. This means that roles, opinions and qualities from past life relationships may carry into this life and when you and this other person encounter a specific situation there may be a very specific reaction as a result. If it's a good reaction likely that is the result of good karma, if it is a bad reaction it is likely the result of bad karma. I have found that bad relationships can be one of two things: two good people connected by bad karma or one (or two) bad person (people) connected by bad karma. But as you know, karma is finite and can always be altered. You must just change the pattern, habit or reaction. If it is a relationship of two positive people bound together by negative karma, then upon releasing and realigning the karma a huge amount of pressure is also released from the relationship and the participants can once more enjoy a positive coexistence. If there is negativity existing within a relationship it is best to first address what actions and reactions are occurring and whether or not they can be altered to honor your highest intentions. Sometimes you can begin a relationship with a Soul for the very first time, this is likely the result of the "mirror affect." Chances are this person holds some grouping of qualities which mirror what you have or do not have and are seeking. Think of some of the relationships you have been in, especially the ones that lasted for a limited period of time. Most likely there was a very specific situation that drew you to that individual, a quality that you wanted to invite into your life, which sparked the relationship. Your example, you are going through a death in the family and as a result you end up in a relationship with someone who is seeking to look after you. Or you are in a new place and connect with someone else who is adventurous and exciting. You are likely attracted to an individual who's qualities fit into your current life situation. This can eventually fade when your life normalizes, or this situation may become the new normal and the relationship suits your new life indefinitely... leading me into my next point: why do relationships end? The idea that relationships wouldn't end is actually quite terrifying. Your Soul is ageless and will continue on into the ages. Of course relationships end, but this "end" might be limited to this lifetime. The point of a relationship is to support the growth of the Souls involved. This growth comes from good times and bad. When addressing specific relationships within a Relationship Reading I ask the question, "What lesson(s) does this relationship support for this individual?" Maybe the relationship is supporting Love or Independence or Determination or Surrender or a million other themes that the Soul may be working on in this lifetime. The two Souls involved might go through specific circumstances which provoke this theme within the individual's life. There will likely come a time when the Soul has completed its theme and learned its lesson, at which point the relationship has served its purpose. Does this mean that the relationship needs to end? Absolutely not. But it might and that is OK too. Once the relationship has served its purpose the two participants can either stay together for the joy of it and continue to explore their existence together or move on to explore new relationships and lessons. The point is more to impose the fact that it is also perfectly OK to allow a relationship to end. I believe that many relationships have long since expired but humanity hangs onto the bones of them out of a sense of duty or penitence. I do not necessarily believe that either one of the above answers are better, just that if the relationship continues then it must be because it is supporting forward motion, otherwise it is technically a negative relationship (negative is anything that does not move forward, even if it is just standing still). Let's be real- ending a relationship is never easy, even when both parties know that it is for the best. Beyond the relationship is the needs of the individual Soul, and if the Soul is in a negative relationship then it is limited in its ability to grow. Another facinating relationship topic that is a crowd favorite is that of Soul mates and contracts. Despite the idealized glory of Soul mates, it's less than ideal. A Soul mate contract is when you bind yourself to another Soul for indefinite lifetimes- so although that might mean meeting someone who you feel deeply connected with, it also means being bound to that person forever and ever, for better or worse and death does not part. For obvious reasons, this can be incredibly limiting to the two Souls involved, though oftentimes one of the Soul's is negative and using this contract as a way to stay connected with a positive Soul and positive source of energy. The final piece of the relationship puzzle to discuss- which comes up in readings more frequently than I believe most people are comfortable with- is affairs. Almost every affair I have covered within my work boils down to one major theme: denial. Denial of the truth, denial of acting upon truth, denial of passion. This denial can either be denying the relationship you are in, or denying what it is that you are seeking and unwilling to own... or a combination of the two. Sometimes the person having the affair is in a negative relationship but cannot bring themselves to end it for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes it is because the person is in general denying their true love, passion and calling and this affair is a way to bandaid the lack of passion with the wrong kind of passion. Typically when an affair comes up in a reading as a past life situation it is to let the client know that there is something in their life that they desire (rightfully so) but are denying it out of a sense of duty or guilt. Sometimes, though I believe less frequently, an affair can be stimulated by a meeting with an old Soul friend, a love from a past life. I think it is very important to understand though that just because there exists karma from a past life, does not mean that you need to act upon it. People like to chalk things up to karma, but free will is always king and just because there is a past habit/relationship there does not mean that you need to act upon it. All that this action means is that you have not learned. Rule of thumb: which action will honor your highest path and truest self? This does not mean denying your passion but it does entail doing so in an honorable way. Relationships come and go and in the meantime teach us so much. Yes, it would be lovely for them to last a lifetime, but that is never and should never be the point. A perfect relationship is one that supports both Souls in learning and growing and leaves nothing but good karma- time specifications do not exist. Life fearlessly and full of love, never be afraid to follow your higher path, if it is a positive relationship it will support you through that process. Always remember that we are who we are largely as a result of the relationships that we have let go, learn from that and hold gratitude for all of the strength and growth that the relationship- both in life and death- provoked within you. Please note: life is a matter of belief, proven or not, these are my beliefs and they will only become your beliefs if you choose to take them on yourself... the choice is always yours. Have thoughts on other topics, or questions you would like answered? Please let me know! I am always looking for new themes to explore and explain.
Curious about what I discussed above? Consider a Relationship Reading or Higher Purpose reading. Relationship Readings are a great way to better understand the meaningful relationships within your life (intimate relationships or otherwise). Email me for more details.
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Chelsea M LathamWhen I was a kid my mom would occasionally refer to me as a Reverend, because I had the need to speak so passionately about just about everything. Little did she know that some day I would build a business upon sharing the wisdom that I am so passionate about. So here you go, here are some bits and bobs of thoughts strung together for your enjoyment. Archives
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